Saturday, May 21, 2011

Can't sleep well

I went to holiday last week. Me, colleague and his friends, six of us went to Hatyai. We spent one night over there.

Traveling to oversea was happiness for everyone. But not for me. I can't sleep well on other bed. That's why I don't like go to trip for long period.

How to overcome this type of insomnia? Can someone give me the solution?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

I was not going back to hometown on Mother's Day. Because i had celebrate it with mother on the early weekend. I fetch her to my sister's house in Kuala Lumpur. We had lunch together.

On the day of Mother's Day, no one of sibling go back to hometown. Therefore nobody celebrate with her and I feel so guilty. I hope she not feel disappointed to us.

The main reason for not going back is due to long distance and the cost of driving. It was take me more than three hours for driving and cost me the toll and petrol around RM 200.